
green water splash

“People trust the clear and distrust the ambiguous.”

  • “Those who are trusted are candid and are not afraid to tell the truth.”

  • “Clarity gives focus on daily tasks.”

  • “People can’t do a great job if they don’t understand expectation.”

Grab a book from my personal library.

Want to be trusted by clients and colleagues? Start with reading The Trust Edge (Paperback) (Kindle) by David Horsager. Follow that up with Trusted Leader (Kindle) or The Daily Edge (Paperback) (Kindle).

In a perfect world, we’d see Michael Bungay Stanier train in person. Second-best option is his great book How to Work with (Almost) Anyone: Five Questions for Building the Best Possible Relationships (Kindle).

Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict, by Karin Hurt and David Dye (Kindle)


Constancy to purpose


Know your worth